These links are mostly for me, so I have a single point where to keep all my things. If you find them useful, however, it’s even better.

Dev / Programming


Useful software and libraries

Online tools / useful sites

Resources (images, fonts, …)


Point&click adventures

Arcade / Coin-op

  • G-Arcade - Cabinati arcade artigianali con hardware moderno ed emulazione di migliaia di giochi


Useful resources

Commodore & Amiga

ADF files, WHDLoad packs, …

New software for old hardware

  • C64 OS - OS with GUI for C64


  • Tank Mouse - Classic Amiga mouse build with modern technology
  • C64 PSU - Modern power supply units for C64 and Amiga


  • AQB - QuickBasic IDE/Compiler for Amiga (with Intuition API etc)
  • ugBASIC - 8-bit BASIC IDE/Compiler (C64, 128, …) for Windows
  • XC=BASIC - 8-bit BASIC compiler (C64, 128, …) for Windows, MacOS, Linux

Reference / Docs

Getting online with Commodores

  • RetroWind C64 WiFi Modem: WiFi device which simulates a modem but uses telnet over the Internet instead, useful to connect to BBSs using CCGMS.
  • CCGMS - Modem software for C64
  • 64NIC+ - Connect C64/28 to the Internet (ethernet cable). Included Contiki suite which has a web browser as well.
  • FrogFind! - Retro-friendly search engine, the results as well!
  • - Retro-friendly news web site

Shops, Suppliers, Repairers


Amazon alternatives (good e-commerce web sites)


  • Overly - Ottimi prezzi e spedizioni gratuite per hardware, telefonia, fotografia, elettrodomestici, etc.
  • Plexishop - Materiale elettrico, elettronica, illuminazione, …
  • UfficioDiscount - Cancelleria ed altro materiale da ufficio, buoni prezzi e consegne puntuali.
  • PhotoSI - Stampa online foto, calendari, e simili.
  • SferaUffico - Ottimi prezzi per hardware.
  • FiorucciRicambi - Vasta scelta di ricambi per elettrodomestici, supporto cortese e professionale.
  • TuaStampa - Stamperia di Roma che offre un intuitivo ed economico sistema di stampa e rilegatura PDF.
  • IBS - Libri
  • Hoepli - Molti libri anche di editori stranieri tipo O’Reilly etc.
  • Yeppon - Valido e-commerce di telefonia, informatica, casa, …

European Union

  • ElectroPapa - Anything electronic, including “unfindable” old stuff, all sort of batteries.

Mountain & travel

Hiking ideas


