As every Flickr user knows, a year ago or so the service became subscription-based. Initially I decided to stay with them as it was an handy service, but then I found myself not using it that much. Moreover, they recently increased the monthly fee, so I opted to download the photos and store them locally.
Flickr allows to download all your data fairly easily, dividing it in ZIP archives of 500 photos each, so I downloaded by 26000+ photos. Problem is the pics are not divided into albums, so - especially if you have a lot of pics - you get a huge mess which is very difficult to manage.
Luckily, in the downloadable data Flickr also provides all the information to programmatically reconstruct all the structures. I was able to successfully move the files into different directories, divided by album name. I hope sharing this experience will be useful to anyone who either is moving away from Flickr or just downloading the data to keep a local copy.
In the downloaded data, there is an albums.json file, which has all album information in this structure:
"albums": [
"photo_count": "11",
"id": "72157696153620351",
"url": "",
"title": "2018-06-09: Iconocluster - Profumo DiVino",
"description": "",
"view_count": "2",
"created": "1528666970",
"last_updated": "1528799288",
"cover_photo": "",
"photos": [
Ain’t this perfect? Well, not exactly. You can’t just use the codes in the ‘‘photos’’ array as they are to find the files belonging to an album, because:
- The extension (JPG, MOV, PNG, …) is not provided
- Files in the data export have names including the title, such as dublin-castle_5303007241_o.jpg
So, a little bit of programming is needed. Here’s my commented Perl script which does the job. This assumes that you are in a directory containing:
- All the downloaded photos/videos in a photos subdirectory
- An empty albums subdirectory, where albums directories will be created
- The script itself
For the rest, it’s mostly self-explanatory but I provided comments here and there.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojo::File qw/path/;
use Mojo::JSON qw/decode_json/;
use Arthas::Defaults::520;
my $jdata = decode_json( path('./albums.json')->slurp ) || die 'No-albumdata';
my $photos = path('./photos')->list || die 'No-photos';
my @missings;
my $albums = $jdata->{albums};
for my $album (@$albums) {
say "==> $album->{title}";
# Create album directory, using a cleaned-up version of its title
my $albumdir = path './albums/'.clean_albumtitle( $album->{title} );
for my $photocode (@{ $album->{photos} }) {
# Photo filename may have bizarre name but they always contain the code
my $fphotos = $photos->grep(qr/$photocode/);
my $fphoto = shift @$fphotos;
print " $photocode => $fphoto => ";
# Check if we actually found a match
if ( !-e $fphoto ) {
push @missings, $photocode.'';
say "MISSING!";
# Copy the pic in destination folder
say 'copied!';
# If you have a ton of photos, you may prefer to move them
# Also, moving allows to easily find any leftovers just by looking at the
# directory
# And by the way: it's also way faster than copying!
# $fphoto->move_to($albumdir);
# say 'moved!';
# Report any codes which we didn't find
# There's should be any, so reporting is useful for debugging (i.e. if you forgot to unpack one of the ZIP files)
say join "\n", @missings;
say "OK";
# File systems (depending on OS/FS) don't like some special chars, so I'm cleaning slashes, ampersands and colons.
# Tune this to match your own needs.
sub clean_albumtitle($title) {
$title =~ s/[\/\'\:]/-/gxs;
return $title;
The code relies on Mojo::File and Mojo::JSON to achieve a clean and elegant approach to the solution of the task.